Monday, October 9, 2023

Learning, Upskilling, and Leading to Testing (Michael Larsen with Leandro Melendez at PNSQC)

You all may have noticed I have been quiet for a few hours. Part of it is that I was giving a talk on Accessibility (I will post a deeper dive into that later, but suffice it to say I shook things up a little, and I have a few fresh ideas to include in the future).

Also, I was busy chatting with our good friend Leandro Melendez (aka SeƱor Performo), and I figured it would be fun to share that here. I'm not 100% sure if this will appear for everyone or if you need a LinkedIn login. If you can't watch the video below, please let me know.


We had a wide-ranging conversation, much of it based on my recent experience being a testing trainer and how I got into that situation (the simple answer is a friend offered me an opportunity, and I jumped at it ;) ). That led to talking about ways we learn, how we interact with that learning, and where we use various analogs in our lives. This led us to talk about two learning dualities I picked up from Ronald Gross' "Peak Learning" book (Stringers vs. Groupers) and a little bit about how I got into testing in the first place.

It's a wide-ranging conversation, but it was fun participating, and I hope you will enjoy listening and watching it :).

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